Nowadays, if a woman wants to be adored and elevated by men, it might not take much effort for her to achieve this goal. For example, she only needs to create a social media profile.
By creating a profile or a number of them and uploading pictures of herself, she can end up with hundreds, thousands and even millions of ‘followers’. Now, what can help with this process is if she is physically attractive. Two Sides Still, for some people, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and for others, beauty is objective. Perhaps, a more accurate assessment would be to say that it is a bit of both. Anyway, even if a woman is not seen as being objectively attractive, it doesn’t mean that this will prevent her from having a lot of followers. What will have a big impact on how many she can attract is what she believes is possible and her expectations. Another Part Also, in addition to the pictures and videos that she shares of herself, she can also share intimate content. Her main profile or profiles will then act as a funnel for her other content. By going down this route, she will not only receive a lot of attention from men but she will also receive money from them. This will then be a way for the men who follow her to receive more. A Virtual Relationship When a man goes down this route, he will direct a lot of time and attention toward her and a lot of his money will be spent on her. He could even believe that he is in a relationship with her. If so, not only won’t he have a strong connection with reality, but he will be directing his attention and money toward a woman who he will never have a real relationship with. The outcome of this is that he will be giving a lot but he won’t be receiving much. One Experience Thanks to the attention and resources that she receives, she is likely to spend a lot of time feeling good about herself. She may even develop a sense of superiority and see herself as being above certain people. If she were to think about how she felt before, she could see that she now feels radically different. Then again, she might have already received a fair amount of attention from men, which means that it might not be this extreme. The Real World Now, when it comes to the men who are in her life, these could typically be mean who are easy-going, passive and focused on pleasing her. These men could see her as being above them. It’s then not going to matter what they are like as they won’t see themselves as being at the same level as her. These men could often buy her things and take her to different places, with them simply being grateful to have her in their life. Another Reality If she were to experience life differently, so she no longer had an online presence where men could shower her with attention and perhaps money, she could soon feel different. One way of looking at this would be to say that she will have gotten used to experiencing life in this way, this is to be expected. Nonetheless, there can be far more to it. There is a chance that experiencing life in this way is allowing her to be deceived into believing that she is receiving something that she missed out on during her formative years and, thus, to avoid how she feels. A Closer Look As she is an interdependent human being, she needs feedback from others, and this feedback will have an effect on her mental, emotional and physical health. Yet, if her formative years were a time when she was greatly deprived and deeply wounded, she wouldn’t have been able to go from an emotionally dependent state to an emotionally interdependent state. As a result of this, she will be dependent on the feedback of others and therefore, if she doesn’t receive an endless amount of feedback, she will feel deflated and empty. A big part of her won’t have moved on from this stage of her life, and this part of her is blind and has no sense of time. It’s Symbolic This is why, when she receives attention from men, it will have such as big impact on her. The reason for this is that, as far as this part is concerned, she will be receiving the love that she missed out on during her formative years. But, as this stage of her life is over and these men are not her mother or father, the effect that their attention has on her won’t last. The only thing that it will do is help to keep how she really feels from entering her conscious awareness. Back In Time At this stage of her life, he mother and perhaps her father might have been emotionally unavailable and out of reach. This would then have caused her to miss out on the attunement, affection and care that she needed to grow and develop in the same way. To handle what happened, her brain would have repressed how she felt and a number of her developmental needs. Many years will have passed since that time but she will continue to be controlled by her repressed, unmet developmental need to be loved. Awareness If a woman can relate to this and she is ready to change her life, she may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided with the assistance of a therapist or healer.
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Oliver JR Cooper
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Oliver JR CooperAuthor of 28 books, Transformational Writer, Teacher & Consultant. Introductory Consultation
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That which is contained within these articles is based on my own empirical understanding and is true for me at the time they were written. However, as I continue to grow, what I perceive as the truth will inevitably change and as a result of this - parts of these articles may not reflect my current outlook.
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