When it comes to something that someone fears, there are at least two things that they can do. One option is for them to face what they fear and resolve it; another option is for them to avoid what they fear and to try to make sure that what they fear doesn’t take place.
Not only can someone decide whether they want to go with the first or the second option, society as a whole can also decide which option is right from them. In both instances, it is not uncommon for the second option to be chosen. The Norm If someone avoids something that they fear, they will spend a fair amount of their time and energy trying to prevent what they fear from taking place. Likewise, if society as a whole takes this route, the same thing will take place. At both an individual and collective level, this approach is unlikely to have much success and, even if it does, it probably won’t last for very long. The reason for this is that there will be resistance and what is resisted is what not only persists, but also grows. The Big Illusion However, this is not something that is widely understood, hence why so much time and energy is put into trying to avoid that which is feared. Thus, while it may seem as though this approach is the best option, it will generally do more harm than good. Ultimately, it comes down to the view that human beings are merely observers of their reality and are not having an impact on what does or doesn’t occur. Therefore, going against something can seem like the logical thing to do. Two Options If someone, in addition to society as a whole, doesn’t resist something, it will be as though it will take place. And as it is something that they fear it is likely to be something that would lead to an unpleasant outcome, so why wouldn’t they try to avoid it? Doing something to try to prevent this outcome is then naturally going to be preferred to doing nothing and experiencing this outcome. The trouble is that as human beings are not merely observers of their reality and are actively playing a part in what they do or don’t experience, it means that this option will just lead to more of what they fear. Another Option The other option, which will involve someone facing what the fear and working through it, will take the change out of what fear and there will then be no reason for it to manifest it the material world. This something that will take a certain amount of presence, so that one can work through what comes up and is not overwhelmed. If society as a whole did the same thing, it would most likely lead to a big shift, and, this shift would be even bigger if each country on the planet did the same thing. Each individual wouldn’t need to project their fears onto the people around them, and, each country wouldn’t need to project their fears onto other countries. Awareness Of course, in order for an individual, and society as a whole, to see what it is that they fear and to resolve it, there will need to be a certain level of awareness. Without this, it will be normal for the fear to be resisted. Also, another consequence of not being able to step back and to see what is going on, will be the inability to separate their fears from reality. In other words, they won’t be able to see that they are projecting their inner world onto their outer world. Resonance Through doing this, the situations, circumstances and events of their life will reflect what it is that they fear. This will give them an even stronger need to try to change what is going on ‘out there, even though what is going on ‘out there’ will be a reflection of what is taking place inside them. Without realising it, they will be trying to change their own shadow. So, as they are trying to change a reflection of themselves and not what is actually causing the reflection, their life is not truly going to change; in fact, it could get even worse. Back In Time Interestingly, when it comes to what an individual fears, and what is collectively feared, it can relate to what has already taken place. Not to what that has taken place in their adult life, though, to what took place during their childhood years and even whilst they were in their mother’s womb. But, as what they experienced hasn’t been resolved, it is now having an impact on what they fear and what they expect to take place. As many years have passed and different defences have been put in place, their conscious mind won’t be able to see the connection between what is taking place in their adult life and what took place during their childhood. A Closer Look At this stage of their life, they may have been times when they felt totally powerless, humiliated, unsafe, and were abandoned. Now that they are an adult, this early trauma can translate as a fear of having no control, being humiliated, not being safe and being abandoned. A lot of their energy is then going to be directed towards doing what they can to prevent these fears from materialising and yet they may often feel powerless, humiliated, unsafe and abandoned. If a society is made up of millions of people with these unresolved fears, it is likely to lead to a certain outcome. For Example To avoid having to come into contact with what they fear and how they feel deep down, a large part of the citizenry can desire a strong leader, a leader who promises to look after them and to keep them safe. To achieve this, they can be only too happy to give away their freedom and to accept draconian laws. To go one step further, what they fear can be projected into other countries, with war or an invasion being seen as the only way that their country will be safe. Once again, a leader, who most likely has a fear of being impotent, will be happy to take advantage of what these people fear and to do something that will keep their own fear at bay. Conclusion What this illustrates is how important it is for someone to deal with their own fears, that’s if they truly want to make a difference on this earth. Doing so will change their personal reality and as their personal reality changes, so will the collective reality. To do this, someone may need to reach out for the support of a therapist or healer. With their support, they will be able to go where they probably wouldn’t be able to go by themselves.
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Oliver JR Cooper http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk
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Oliver JR CooperAuthor of 28 books, Transformational Writer, Teacher & Consultant. Introductory Consultation
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That which is contained within these articles is based on my own empirical understanding and is true for me at the time they were written. However, as I continue to grow, what I perceive as the truth will inevitably change and as a result of this - parts of these articles may not reflect my current outlook.
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