While emotions are often seen as a distraction and an inconvenience, they are a vital part of being human. Without them, life would be pretty meaningless and while there wouldn’t be any lows, there also wouldn’t be any highs either. It would lead to a life that is very empty and although one might be alive, it would be nothing more than a life of simply existing or surviving. So this could be a life that makes one wonder if life is really worth living. An Analogy When one goes to sleep, they typically lay on a bed that is comfortable and soft. And this allows them to relax and to have the potential of a good night’s sleep. Their body can connect to the bed, without needing to retract or tense up. Quiet simple, they can let go and just be. If they were to sleep on concrete or on a wood floor, the experience wouldn’t be the same. Here, one will feel tense, uptight and pain is likely to arise. And if this person was to let go and just be, they will probably feel worse than if they pull themselves together and maintain a closed position. A Matter Of Degree This example is, in many ways, what it can be like for someone who is emotionally disconnected. There is not much comfort or pleasure to be had; what there is likely to be is a sense of being cut off and that something is missing. How disconnected one is, will often define how one does or doesn’t experience life. One could feel disconnected at certain times in their life and so they don’t see it as a problem. It could be seen as a minor issue and so it is overlooked. And there can be other people who feel completely disconnected and it therefore doesn’t matter where they are or who they are with. So one could come to the conclusion that they are cut off or they could have been in this position for so long, that they are unaware of life being any different. It’s Normal If emotional development and awareness was part of the education system or society in general, then one would have a way of not only knowing that they are disconnected, but also find it easy to come across solutions to this challenge. However, as emotions are generally ignored in today’s world, it means that there is rarely anything external that will supply one with the feedback they need to see that something is not right. Through not having this external mirror or catalyst, one can end up coming to the conclusion what what they are going through is how life is and normal. When it comes to ones physical health, there are plenty of things around to show someone that if they have a certain symptom, that something is not right. But the same approach is not available when it comes to emotional challenges. Extreme Highs One thing that someone can do when they feel emotionally disconnected is to engage in pursuits that will give them an extreme high. The problem is that while these will work, they don’t last and before long one is back to where they started and this could mean one is back to feeling numb once more. Here could take part in some kind of extreme sports; pushing their body to the limits in order to feel something. Or they could become hooked on going to the gym to feel that rise in their life. Sex is another option that can give one an instant experience of feeling something. As are tattoos and although getting them done is painful, it allows one to feel something. And there are drugs, drink and food and these all have the potential to give one an emotional high. Consequences When one is not experiencing these highs and artificially getting in touch with their feelings, there is going to be all kinds of consequences that can arise as a result of being emotionally disconnected. One of these can be a disconnection from one’s body and their body can feel separate from them. So what it does or doesn’t do is then random and out of their control. And along with this physical disconnection, can be the experience of being separate from people and so one can feel alone and isolated. One could find themselves saying yes to things they would rather not do and being in situations they would rather not be in. Their needs, wants and desires could also be a mystery to them; knowing when they are hungry could be challenge and when they are tired. It could well be possible that they have plenty of friends, but it is less likely that they will have any relationships that are deep or intimate. Relationships are likely to be superficial and without any kind of depth. And to be out of touch with how one feels will mean that one is oblivious to the effects that their feelings are having. So what shows up in their life and how people respond to them will appear random; because one won’t be able to see the connection between their inner and outer world. Causes When one lives in their head and is estranged from their body, is a clear sign that one is carrying a certain amount of emotional pain. And that this emotional pain has become trapped in their body. This could be the result of experiences in their adult life and go back to what happened to them as a baby and a child. And it could have be a one of event that was traumatic or an accumulation of events that while seemingly insignificant at the time, were just as traumatic. One may have been brought up by a caregiver who was emotionally out of touch with themselves and therefore couldn’t provide the attunement or empathy required to raise an emotionally healthy child. Trapped Emotions So as there was no external mirror to validate and regulate how one felt, one had to simply push their feelings and emotions out of their awareness. At that age, one wouldn’t have had the ability to deal with them themselves. Over time their body would have become a place of pain and living in their head would have provided an escape. But although it enabled one to avoid pain, it also resulted in them being cut off from every other emotion in the process. Awareness The above is a rough guideline of what can happen. These emotions and feelings that have remained trapped in one’s body will need to be released in order for one to regain their connection to their body and to their emotions. This can be done with the assistance of a therapist or a healer who will allow one to face their trapped feelings and emotions and gradually release them.
Mikhail Negi
7/7/2014 06:02:34 pm
Let me first begin by saying that this article is as close to the truth of disconnection if one ever experiences it. I know it well, because i have been living like this for a very long time. I have been disconnected for such a long time that i am not able to acknowledge the types of feelings that i experience in certain situations. I could only understand the emotion by noticing my physical behavior. I too had thought about - "one had to simply push their feelings and emotions out of their awareness." it does work for a while. But later, it just vanishes away. No meaning. There is a reasoning behind that in my perspective. "Their needs, wants and desires could also be a mystery to them" indeed. I have experienced that. That is why i have classified myself as confused for a year.
24/5/2017 06:22:24 am
I have been emotionally disconnected for some time now, and I wish I could give you answers, but I have learned that I seem to be incapable of discussing certain things because they require emotional connection to be addressed properly. But I feel like in my head I know what to say to you. All I know is that I discovered that for me, any time I reconnect to my emotions, it's either really intense for just a moment and then dies down over the span of a couple of days, or it's just dull to medium level feelings that I can access for maybe a week.
8/7/2014 11:03:11 am
Hello Mikhali,
Jelan A
8/7/2014 09:56:00 pm
Im actually glad I have found an article like this because ive been living emotionally disconnected from my emotions since I was a young baby. The emotion that only showed was happiness but inside was a bad hurricane. I remember going to my great Grandparents funerals, while everyone felt grief & sadness . I wanted to smile ? But Im 19 now & I needed to find out why I feel the way I feel. I watch everyone I come across with the different emotions they have & look at my one or none. & the only thing that comes like mikhali said is confusion. Nothing more but confusion, & then you go right back to your disconnected feeling like the confusion just left the building. But your articke priced to me that I need professional help. I love people but can't feel or understand ones emotion.
9/7/2014 12:50:39 pm
Hello Jelan,
16/8/2014 06:38:58 am
Ah another good article Oliver,just when I needed it. I have for the past few months been trying to connect to my body. As I have spent the last 40years living in my head. Only to start connecting with my body and becoming aware of horrific traumatic memories associated with my baby self. Stuff I thought I dealt with in counselling. I now know that in counselling as much as it helped it was talk therapy and I was not actually dealing with the feelings associated.
16/8/2014 02:01:04 pm
Hello Sanita,
6/5/2015 01:14:17 pm
22/11/2019 11:56:49 pm
Thank you for addressing the value of forgiveness. It is difficult to learn but essential to true well being. It keeps one from being self absorbed and egotistical. We are all damaged somehow and have hurt others in one way or another. By forgiving we acknowledge our own shortfall. Hurt is hurt no matter what the depth or perception. Forgiving is the deepest way to heal and love. It makes your whole life better.
20/12/2016 12:46:34 am
This is exactly what I needed to help my husband understand what is going on with me. I would like to know what is next for people? I have been seeing a therapist. I get talk therapy. How do I work on connecting with the people I am supposed to love?
20/12/2016 05:30:18 pm
Hello April,
24/5/2017 06:27:42 am
I completely relate to that last statement. It makes me so mad that these people can just walk around like they're totally normal and everyone treats them like they're nice and healthy people. But then I can never get fully mad about it. It sort of blanks out and I feel like "why am I even trying?" It feels like my emotions and thoughts want to go somewhere but it's just a void. A blank dark void with invisible walls.
29/12/2014 06:03:45 pm
Hey, I loved this article. Describes me very well. Now I'm wondering, barring getting therapy, how else can i "fix" this?
30/12/2014 04:12:13 am
Hello L.K.,
23/11/2019 12:02:30 am
I am afraid to face the pain of my emotions. There is so much of it. I used to write. But I stopped because it makes me think so deeply. I threw away all of my old journals. I didn’t want to see them anymore. My emotions are trapped. I won’t look at them because they scare me.
11/8/2015 01:21:00 pm
Wow. I feel your article offers information on something I have been wondering about a long time. I would definitely like to know more about emotional disconnection, I myself feel as though I am totally severed from my emotions and often feeling emotionless. Could you recommend any books I could read on this? I do see a therapist but have only briefly touched on this subject but feel when I see him next I would wish to discuss this in more depth.
11/8/2015 01:29:11 pm
Hello Colleen,
Michelle R.
20/8/2015 05:38:31 pm
Hello Oliver. An interesting article. I have sought therapy on 3 separate occasions in my adult life. In all 3 occasions my therapy came to a halt. It was like hitting a brick wall. I assumed it was me, however, the last one explained that i needed a deeper level of therapy. Much deeper. My issues, hurt, trauma, etc. run thick and deep and go way back. It is quite painful and frustrating to walk down the same road, theee times over and not really end up anywhere. How does one tell if the therapist they are seeing can handle my issues?
21/8/2015 11:50:06 am
Hello Michelle,
Michelle R
15/4/2017 12:34:35 am
A follow-up to my first question. I researched and found a psychologist. I was seeing her for over 4 months. Into my fourth month, she mentioned to me that I could easily be sitting on her side of the room. And while I appreciate the compliment, it was unsettling. After a setback, and a postponed session, she reached out to me via telephone. I responded, as she requested, in writing and also left her a voice message. She replied, and started off by saying she needed to clear the air on one issue. She went on to inform me that she is NOT A DOCTOR. She has been practicing for so many years that she was permitted to register with the provincial registry of psychiatrists and psychologists.
15/4/2017 09:24:22 pm
Hello Michelle,
4/9/2015 08:17:31 am
I've been suffering form this for nearly two years. It's getting me so down I just don't no what to do. The doctors aren't very helpful us there any help you have for me
4/9/2015 10:15:16 am
Hello Jessica,
12/9/2015 09:38:08 pm
I have always been aware that I am emotionally numb, I didn't have the most perfect childhood and lately this issue has been concerning me. Today I decided to Google "emotionally disconnected" I don't know whether it applies to me, my problem is that on daily basis I don't feel emotion, and if something happens, for example a death of family member I will cry first 2 minutes then suddenly I feel nothing and I can't revoke these emotions afterwards, and I'm back to feeling... well, nothing. I don't understand this, I'm very confused by it.
14/9/2015 06:44:14 pm
Hello Carina,
14/1/2016 06:05:34 pm
This is exactly what I am going through. The highs and the complete numbness. Thank you so much for the article. Reading this made me feel like finally some1 understood me.
15/1/2016 01:03:27 am
Hello Roopika,
25/11/2016 02:50:39 am
I had a rough childhood. I have been married for 12 years with stepchildren. I was a mental punching bag for a stepchild and my inlaws. My husband never stood up for me. I don't feel cherished nor important. I now feel so disconnected without importance. I am depressed. I let life go by without being happily fulfilled. I have numerous regrets. I hope one day to be truly loved and to truly smile again. I'm sad inside, seeking happiness and a loving surrounding.
27/11/2016 05:14:22 pm
Hello Stacy,
13/4/2017 10:54:21 pm
Thank you for this article.
5/7/2017 01:56:01 pm
Great article, it resonated strongly with me. One question: why is it that you recommend seeking external help to solve this issue? Is it not possible to work through on your own?
5/7/2017 03:30:20 pm
Hello Kelly,
5/9/2017 01:33:00 pm
I have to agree with people who found this article accurate. I myself have a history of neglect and never was really aware of it until I had someone literally listens to my emotions. After that a lot of behaviour like the ones described stopped happening. I appreciated the analogy with the sleep by the way.. simple and complete
7/9/2017 03:56:30 pm
9/3/2018 12:35:16 pm
Thank you for this article. I feel like I've been disconnected from my emotions for just over 2 years now and have just felt confused as to how and why it happened. I've been stuck in my head trying to work it out but of course I've never come to a conclusion to help.
20/3/2018 05:06:04 pm
Hello Joe,
10/4/2018 09:22:53 am
I have felt like this for a while. I don't seem to be able to form new emotional relationships. All my friendships seem to be just acquaintances. I don't feel depressed
26/4/2018 09:11:13 am
Hello David,
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Oliver JR CooperAuthor of 28 books, Transformational Writer, Teacher & Consultant. Introductory Consultation
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That which is contained within these articles is based on my own empirical understanding and is true for me at the time they were written. However, as I continue to grow, what I perceive as the truth will inevitably change and as a result of this - parts of these articles may not reflect my current outlook.
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