When someone is in touch with their body, they will be aware of how they feel and what their needs are. Through having this connection, they will be able to make use of the information that is inside them.
So, if they feel tired or as though they are not at their best, they will be able to take a step back and to take it easy. If this is not something that they can do straight away, due to being at work, for instance, they might be able to do this once they have finished. A Few More Examples One could feel upset about something and need to be supported, causing them to reach out to a friend or a family member. Talking about what is going on for them can make it easier for them to handle what they are going through. Then again, one could be angry about something that has happened and end up using this information to make a change in their life. If they are angry because they haven’t been treated well, speaking out about his can allow them to assert their boundaries and to make it clear that what took place is not acceptable. The Key Component However, for one to not only listen to what is taking place inside them but to actually make use of this information, they will need to feel safe enough to do so. Yet, if someone has pretty much always felt safe in their body, there will be no reason for them to realise this. Due to how they have experienced life for most, if not all, of their life, this can just be what is normal. This means that they will have an inner sense of safety and security, which is why they can inhabit their body. Pushed Out If someone like this was to watch a scary film or heard footsteps behind them at night, they may find that they leave their body. The discomforted that they experienced would have pushed them into their head. This would have made them more alert and prepared them to either fight, run away or to freeze. When this takes place, their attention will be on what is going on out there; with what is taking place inside them being overlooked. A Time and A Place Nonetheless, if one didn’t have this ability, they would be like a sitting duck. Their ability to defend themselves against external threats would be nonexistent, and this would naturally make them an easy target. Fortunately, this is not going to be how one usually experiences life and this will allow them to operate as a whole human being. If they were to think about what it is like when they are in their head and what it is like when they are in their body, they are likely to notice that it is very different. Another Experience For others, being in their body will be something that they rarely, if ever, experience. For someone like this, they are going to spend a lot of time in their head or even disconnected from this part of them. They won’t need to watch a scary film or to be walking around at night and hear footsteps, as they will be on edge anyway. Or if they don’t feel on edge, they will be acting as though it is not safe for them to be in their body and to relax. One Focus As a result of this, ignoring most of their needs and being out of touch with their feelings is likely to be the norm, and this will happen without them even realising it. They are going to be so caught up in what is going on around them that what is going on inside them will largely be overlooked. Another outcome of this is that one is likely to spend a lot of time running on adrenaline, and this is not going to be good for their health. Clearly, one will need to get back into their body and to be less concerned with what is going on around them. Two Parts This is what will allow them to actually live and to operate as a whole human being, as opposed to merely existing and being stuck in survival mode. But, while this can appear to be the right thing for them to do, it doesn’t mean that they will simply be able to get back in their body. And even if they can get back in there, it doesn’t mean that they will be able to stay there for very long. Not only can what is going on around them be an issue, what is going on inside them can also be an issue. The Main Part If they were able to take a step back from what is going on, they may find that the main reason why they can’t relax is due to what is taking place inside them. What is taking place inside them is also going to be projected externally, thereby causing them be frightened by their own inner world. It might seem strange as to why they wouldn’t feel safe in their body, but this is likely to show that they have experienced trauma. This could be something that they have experienced during their adult life or it could go back to what took place during their early years. Back In Time If it goes back to their early years, it could illustrate that this was a time when they experienced some kind of abuse and/or neglect. Their whole being would have been overwhelmed, pushing them out of their body in the process. Being in their body would have been too painful and they would have had the need to be on alert to try to stop themselves from being harmed. Thus, instead of their body being somewhere where they felt safe and secure; it would have been somewhere that felt unsafe and caused them to experience a lot of pain. Awareness The years would have passed but the trauma that they experienced all those years ago will have stayed inside them. And unless this trauma is dealt with, it is going to be more or less impossible for them to not just get back into their body but to stay there. If one can relate to this, and they want to change their life, they will probably need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided by the assistance of a therapist or a healer.
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Oliver JR Cooper http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk
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Oliver JR CooperAuthor of 28 books, Transformational Writer, Teacher & Consultant. Introductory Consultation
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That which is contained within these articles is based on my own empirical understanding and is true for me at the time they were written. However, as I continue to grow, what I perceive as the truth will inevitably change and as a result of this - parts of these articles may not reflect my current outlook.
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