When it comes to my journey of self awareness, there are some people who stand out when I look back on where I have come from. And one of those people is Dov Baron. This is a guy who was born in Manchester in England and is based in Canada. The Interview Many years ago I heard him speak on an interview series and on there he was primarily speaking about the Ego Mind and The Law Of Resonance. And little did I know at this point, how much of an influence this guy would make to my life. Perhaps being from England myself, it helped me to relate to him. But what I do know for certain is that: this was someone who spoke clearly and directly. I was amazed by the understandings that he had. After hearing each episode that he had done of this series, I then searched the web for what else I could find about him. Shortly after this I came across his main page at the time. The Next Stage Here I soon found numerous other coaching calls and I knew that I had to hear as many of them as I could. This was someone who had so much to give. These calls were also based on the ego mind and the law of resonance. The law of resonance is deeper understanding of the law of attraction. He mentioned how the law of attraction is a half truth and that it is not just our thoughts that create our life; our thoughts, plus our emotions, create feelings and they are what are creating our life. The Ego Mind Through going over these interviews and listening to what Dov had to say, I gradually began to form my understanding of the ego mind. And as anyone who has read any of my articles knows; the ego mind is usually mentioned in them. I was also taught about the importance of journaling through Dov. And after writing in my journal for a number of years; next came the articles that I wrote about. So journaling was definitely a catalyst to my writing career The Program After a while of listening to these interviews and of Dov doing a few twenty four hour question and answer live video streams; I purchased his program – The Secret Beyond The Law Of Attraction. This contained videos, eBooks and audio recordings; all of which were highly informative and beneficial. These contained everything one needed to understand the mind and to manifest what they wanted into their life: if they followed the steps. And something Dov always spoke about was the need to take massive action. Gratitude As I have mentioned above, Dov assisted me in learning about the ego mind and the importance of journaling. And although he knew so much and was clearly very sharp; he was down to earth and real. He is a great teacher and someone who clearly wants to do all he can do make a massive difference in people’s lives. A couple of years ago Dov left a comment on one of the articles that I wrote - Freedom Or Safety: What Would You Choose? And as this came from someone I admired and appreciated, it meant a lot to me. He is one of the few people that I would recommend to others. If you would like to know more about Dov Baron go to – www.FullMontyLeadership.com.
Always a pure joy to have someone put something out there in the world that reflects back that I have had a positive impact...Thank you Olly I sincerely appreciate your kind words and that you are spreading the word and shifting the world... P.S. BaronMastery is going away. The new website is www.FullyMontyLeadership.com or my Radio Show at http://FullMontyRadio.com
24/4/2013 06:37:49 am
Hello Dov,
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Oliver JR CooperAuthor of 28 books, Transformational Writer, Teacher & Consultant. Introductory Consultation
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That which is contained within these articles is based on my own empirical understanding and is true for me at the time they were written. However, as I continue to grow, what I perceive as the truth will inevitably change and as a result of this - parts of these articles may not reflect my current outlook.
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